Oil prices over the last 5 years
Compare gas and crude oil prices over time for the US Average, Canada Average, and your hometown. View charts for the past month to 10 years. Decade, Year-0, Year-1, Year-2, Year-3, Year-4, Year-5, Year-6, Year-7, Year-8, Year-9. 1850's, 16.00. 1860's, 9.59, 0.49, 1.05, 3.15, 8.06, 6.59, 3.74, 2.41, 3.62 4 WHY HAVE OIL PRICES RISEN OVER. THE LAST EIGHT YEARS? 12. 5 THE LONG-RUN FORECAST FOR OIL. PRICES – NO RERUN OF THE 1980s. 17.